Monday, October 5, 2009

Passing the Test

Automated testing is an efficient way to ensure that as you develop a program it still works correctly and as expected. This approach is much more time efficient than entering test cases manually. As you add new functions to your program, it is important to ensure previous capabilities are not affected. JUnit is an automated Java testing program that allows a developer to create custom tests to verify functionality and performance.

As I developed my Robocode robot, it was important to ensure that changes I made while adding new features did not result in a loss of previous performance. I could have manually run Robocode each time I made a change, however, this approach is time consuming and takes away effort that should be put towards improving my robot's performance. JUnit allowed me to create tests that could be run in a fraction of the time it would take me to accomplish manually.

The three types of JUnit tests that were created that were acceptance, behavioral, and unit tests. Acceptance tests verify that a robot can consistently defeat another robot. Behavioral tests check that a robot correctly implements a movement, firing, or targeting strategy. Unit tests verify that individual methods correctly calculate an output for specified inputs. These tests can provide a developer a reasonable performance measurement. While this does not test for all situations, it can cover a substantial portion of your code to ensure that it is working as expected.

The simplest tests to create were the acceptance tests where a robot is matched against another robot to verify that it can consistently defeat it. I chose to battle my robot against RamFire and Crazy and check that it was able to win more than fifty percent of the time. The behavioral test was more difficult to create. There was much more information that was required to be gathered to validate that a strategy was being implemented. I decided to test my movement strategy. I ran into problems getting my behavioral tests to work correctly. Eventually, I was able to get this test to work. The unit tests that were created verified the output of three methods. One calculated a distance that was required, another calculated an angle, and the last calulated how many degrees the robot needed to be turned to face the next position.

Now that I have some experience in writing JUnit tests, I would develop my robot to have smaller methods. I found that I was doing too much in one method, which made it difficult to write tests for. I had to break down my methods without altering the behavior of my robot to be more specific to accommodate testing. After modifying my robot, determining how to perform unit tests became much simpler.

I felt that these tests adequately tested my robot since the program was rather short. If this had been a larger project, I would have had to write more tests in order to increase the coverage provided by the tests. Listed below are the results from running Emma.

Overall coverage Summary:
Class Percentage = 89%
Method Percentage = 80%
Block Percentage = 55%
Line Percentage = 56%

Even though I ran into some issues while developing my tests, I was able to see the value in creating automated tests. After the tests were created, I was able to run them over and over without much time and effort. The ability to create automated tests is an essential skill to have and is particularly valuable when developing a large project.

A distribution of my robot including JUnit tests can be found here.

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