The appliance savings prototype shows a list of different types of appliances that qualify for a HEEP rebate. The application reads in values from Google spreadsheets based on the model of appliance that is selected from the drop down menu for that appliance category. Then, the amount of savings for that model is displayed as the amount of savings from the rebate and the yearly savings from reduced electricity consumption. This gadget shows consumers the financial benefits of being energy efficient and hopefully encourages them to purchase an energy star appliance.

The negawatts generated by HEEP rebates prototype provides consumers a way to see the impact that HEEP rebates are having. The prototype also includes a pie chart that shows a breakdown of negawatt generation by the different appliances that rebates are available for. On the bottom of the application, a comparison of the amount of money saved based on negawatt generation per dollar will be displayed. The tool-tip will include more information than the tool-tip in the mock-up. The information that the tool-tip contains will include a negawatt definition, information about the calculations that were performed, and assumptions that we made. Shown below is a screen shot of the prototype we have created. We still need to add more functionality, but it is a good start.

The application that shows the progress towards HCEI goals has been modified, so energy generated by non-renewable resources is shown using dark colors. The energy generated by renewable resources is shown with light colors. The use of contrasting colors highlights the different sources that were used to generate the energy. This chart shows users that the total amount of energy consumed will be decreasing and a large portion of the energy consumed will be generated by renewable resources. Shown below is a screen shot of the application.

It is pretty neat to see our ideas turning into real applications. After breaking away from the mindset of needing specifications for the project, we have been able to become creative with our ideas. It took some getting used to because this is not the normal way class assignments are accomplished.
We will continue to implement the rest of our mock-ups and schedule a meeting with HEEP to present our prototypes. I am anxious to see HEEP's reaction to the applications that we have created. I am hopeful that they will like our applications and provide us useful feedback that can be used to further improve our designs.
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